

Choreographer: Kylie Lim
Dancers: Gary, Ms Ong, Li Chen, Pangyi, Rachael, Eng, Lee Jean & Carren

Date & Time:
12th Oct 2022 @ 8pm
13th Oct 2022 @ 8pm
Pentas 2

Empowerment is depicted from all walks of life and life happens to those who choose to be empowered. When one notices that empowerment comes from within, one learns to self empower to feel the best, healthiest and the most fulfilled version of oneself. With self empowerment, one can control destiny as it unfolds itself into the continuous moment. When one starts to walk the confidence of self empowerment, one can pursue success and become an Achiever. Life starts to change as the surrounding people; friends and loved ones will notice and be inspired to take charge of their own destinies.

Story starts like in any other day in our society where everyone is in their own world; doing work, running errands and going through their day. One day, Gary is awake, he feels he is going through the same loop of lives like everyone else, living with expectations set by the society. He tries to get out of the loop and also to enlighten and empower his friends to do the same to lead a different and more fulfilling lives. Throughout his journey of empowerment, the story also depicts the norms of the society to be selfish, judgemental, overly sensitive and the lack of understanding in relationships that have caused unnecessary conflicts. As each individual gets empowered one by one in different situations, everyone comes together at the end feeling inspired, happy and Empowered!