12th June 2022 (Sunday)

Theme: Beach


10am – 11am
开心瑜伽 by Carren
*Open To Public*

11.15am – 12.15pm
Lyrical Contemporary Dance by Li Chen
*Open To Public*

12.30pm – 1.3opm
Lunch (Potluck Style)
*Only by Invitation*

1.3opm – 2.00pm
Activities + Closing
*Only by Invitation*

It's A Wrap!

What a Memorable Day! Thanks again for participating, kindly click on the button below for more:


Hi! I would like to invite you to our KDYS Day! for a get-together. It has been so long since the last time we gather and catch up. I am also taking the opportunity on that day to have our friends to experience teaching classes. I have invited Carren and Li Chen to spend an hour each with us. I hope you will be present to support them too!

Let me know by this Friday if you are coming by clicking the button below to book your spot!

Also, check out more information about the classes below. Thanks very much!

See you!

About Classes
About Carren

在规律的职场生活外邂逅了瑜伽和舞蹈, 一动态一静态,奇妙地让单一有序的生活有了变化。
在iSpirit Asia完成了200小时的瑜伽老师培训后,开启了无尽的自我探索之旅。

Class Introduction

和Carren 一起用瑜伽找寻纯净的力量,感受纯粹的快乐,一起回归初心。

Li Chen started her contemporary dance journey in 2016 and immediately fell in love with it. She believes dance is to express oneself and that motion changes and translate negative emotion into a good form of energy. Come to express yourself and transform your energy into a dance piece in her ‘first class’ experience.